Monday, April 12, 2010

Last night I dreamt

Last night I dreamt I watched as a guy I barely know was thrown over a railing down a stairwell by myself. You know, those tower stairwells. He fell all the way down the center only to splat on the ground at the bottom. Funny. He's such a nice dude. I wonder why.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

An argument for faith in times of disaster

You know what, I'm going to speak about my faith for a minute and if it bothers you then don't read. I've heard a lot of talk about the Haiti earthquake and how God is to blame. What happened in Haiti is heartbreaking, and not for a moment do I want anyone to think that I care more about what people are saying than about Haiti's situation; my heart, my prayers and my financial help go out to the Haitians. But I just can't help but feel hurt and confused by the attacks that the atheistic community take on Christians - especially in these terrible situations.

I listened to and read the thoughts of's Freddie P. on the radio and on his site. Freddie P. and all others are entitled to their opinions. But what I can't deal with so well are statements such as Christians dismiss and get defensive at the raising of theological questions regarding natural disasters. We don't - some people simply disregard and ignore our answers. It is at this sort of ignorance that I get defensive. God forbid I have an opinion that might suggest these disasters could be no one's fault at all.

Freddie P. writes;

If God is so wonderful, why does he allow this happen at all, let alone continuously to a small defenseless little island in the middle of a sea?

I don't know about you, but I'd love some answers.

The problem is that a Christian answer isn't an answer to thinkers like Freddie P . - it's an excuse. If I were to say to him that there are three ways for everything - the ways of God, the ways of the Devil and the ways of the World - he may see that as a cop out for what should be God's responsibility. In my logic, natural disasters were created by the World following God's creation of the World. There was no 'and God said let there be hurricanes, and there were hurricanes'. There is simply the world. Yes, I'm sure God knew there would be natural disasters. Yes, He knew there would be death; but so is the way of the World. Yes, He could probably change it, but He created the World to run as it does. When we give birth, we have chosen to raise a child. We make love, we nurture our women for 9 months, we eat healthy during pregnancy, prepare a room to rest and play. We do what we are capable of for their well-being. We don't choose for our children to be born with Down Syndrome, develop cancer at 35, or die in a car accident at 20. When our children go off on their own, we don't wish them to be drafted into the war in Iraq when we know they could be caught in gunfire (we could try talking them out of it - restrain them even, if we feel we must). Nor, I'm sure, does God wish us to be in Haiti when He knows an earthquake nears, but so is where our children and His have chosen or were destined to be.

Is that an answer? I damn well believe it is. And I'm tired of having my reasonable answers thrown back in my face simply for being Christian reasons. Some even have the idea that it's more socially acceptable, easier, to speak against atheism than vice versa - that living as an atheist is the hard life. There is contempt for both sides, and to think this is an easy time to grow as a Christian is just plain blind. I face hate and negative criticism of my beliefs every day - from the media, my peers, and even from my friends... The world is, unfortunately, divided. There are Christians that refuse to meld with atheists, and atheists that continue to speak viciously of Christian beliefs. My reasons are as logical and acceptable as those of others - but many others simply refuse to accept that. I may not agree with what you think, but I will sure as hell accept and understand that it is yours.

Many Christian communities and organizations dedicate their entire existence to helping the helpless, and they will prove it again in response to the disaster in Haiti. And it's this help - the help of all individuals - that we should focus our attention on.

God Bless,


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I want to go home again already.
Three months until Christmas break.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kiran Sangherra says

So this is what happened right after I after I was talking to you today...

Kiran: ... So, if you could just mail that to the address you have, that would be great!
Customer Support: You bet! And whose name should we put on it?
K: You can put mine, it's Kiran.
CS: Okay, Karen.
K: Haha, no Kiran.
CS: How do you spell that?
K: K I R A N
CS: K.... I.... R.... I N?
K: Just switch the I with an A
K: Jesus, okay, the other I.
CS: KIIIIRAN, is that right?
K: Yes
CS: Are you sure?
CS: Hello?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Family & Friends

It's strange to think that even after living here three years, I'm still tighter and better connected with my friends back home than with the few I've made here. Still, I can't let go of Alberta. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to connect here. Possibly because I haven't tried terribly hard... Some things just are not meant to be surpassed, you know?

My niece and nephew are growing without me, as is Lucasaurus. My best friend is going off to college and my cousins are finding their womanly ways in life. And no matter how exciting my success stories are, I can't help but feel the crushing doubt of my own self-interest and distance.

When I visit home, I tend to start thinking about when I'll have to leave before I've even arrived. It's a serious flaw of mine - the one I wish I didn't have more than anything. Driving a full day, the distance between my career world and my family world widening and widening, is a horrifying thought.

What DO I want in this life?

Sara. ♥

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm lonely. I miss home. I miss my family. I miss my friends, who I could spend every moment with and who felt the same about me.

Sometimes I think living in Vancouver isn't living. Not really.

My boyfriend is amazing with words. ♥